
Despite its name, this survey is about a lot more than just HTML.

Don't get me wrong – HTML itself is more relevant than ever today, which is quite impressive for a 30-year old technology. Even so, we've tried to broaden the survey's scope even more to the web platform as a whole.

From browser APIs, to web development pain points, to accessibility strategies, to analytics and performance tools, there's a lot to cover.

To make it easier to find your way through all these new features, we are now integrating a feature's Baseline status whenever possible – look for a little blue or green dot next to its name.

And if you find all this raw data a bit lacking in context, you can now also browse through the comments left by respondents on each question.

So let's dive right in and see what the web platform has been up to in 2024!

This survey was distributed primarily through online platforms, each of which carry their own inherent demographic biases. As such, it is representative of the makeup of these specific communities, and may not be representative of the developer community at large.



Christopher Kirk-Nielsen

Christopher Kirk-Nielsen
